Course Syllabus

High Yield Strategy: Collaboration

Offenbaker Photo.jpg

Course Facilitator: Abigail Offenbaker


Twitter: @offenbaker_a

This online, self-paced, professional learning course will guide educators in the implementation of collaborative learning strategies beyond the basic think-pair-share model. To complete the course, participants must complete the online modules within the three-day window and then implement two of the six collaborative learning strategies introduced in the course during the first six weeks of the school year. Following implementation in the classroom, teachers will submit a reflection of the experience along with artifacts (photos, videos, etc.) as demonstration of the implementation. Teachers will be credited with six hours of professional learning; three hours will be earned from the online component, and three hours from the implementation piece. 

Environment and Materials

Lesson ideas for implementation during the first six weeks

Scope and Sequence and/or Guiding Documents

Participant Resources

  • Laptop or iPad with Internet Access
  • Login to Canvas
  • Scope and Sequence and/or Guiding Documents


Collaboration is a high-yield strategy that has been identified as a focal point in Castleberry ISD. In a nutshell, collaborative learning is the ability to work with others, a highly valued skill not only in the educational setting, but also highly sought after by employers. Collaborative learning can transform the classroom environment, but teachers must feel comfortable with a variety of collaborative tools to ensure interest, engagement, and learning remain at a high level. Not only will this course provide examples of both face-to-face and technology-based collaborative tools, but it will explore a classroom culture of collaboration: what it is, how to establish it, and how to manage it.  


This course is a competency-based course, which requires implementation and reflection of learned strategies. The format will be delivered in two parts: online modules and reflection of implementation. The first part of the training will be online. Participants will be given a three-day window to complete the online modules. The electronic resources will be made available through Canvas, the district’s learning management system (LMS). The content will guide the participant through the learning process of establishing and managing a collaborative culture in the classroom. The information in the modules will be available for reference after the initial phase of the training. In phase one, participants will also be planning the implementation piece of the course, which is phase two. Phase two will occur after school begins and during the first six weeks. Participants are asked to choose one face-to-face strategy and one technology-based strategy to begin establishing a collaborative classroom culture. After implementing each strategy, participants will submit a reflection discussing their experiences with collaborative learning strategies. 

Learning Expectations 

This online course will allow teachers to establish a classroom culture of collaboration. As a result, teachers will be encouraged to implement additional collaborative learning strategies with students throughout the year.  Upon completion of the course, teachers will be able to implement at least two collaborative learning stragies and will have been introduced to four additional collaboration methods.  

Goals and Objectives

  1. Learner will be able to implement a collaborative classroom culture.
    1. Learner will define collaborative learning.
    2. Learner will understand what collaborative learning is not.
    3. Learner will explore collaborative management tips.
    4. Learner will learn six (6) collaborative learning strategies.
    5. Learner will implement two (2) collaborative learning strategies.


Modules Task Description How Assessed
Module 1 What is Collaborative Learning 

To identify what collaborative learning is and is not

Quiz: Characteristics of Collaborative Learning

Quiz: 5 Basic Elements of Collaborative Learning

Quiz: Characteristics of an Effective Group

Discussion Reflection: What is Collaborative Learning?

Module 2 Face-To Face Strategies  To experience three face-to-face collaborative learning strategies

Discussion: Implementing Round Robin in the Classroom

Discussion: Ideas for Round Robin

Discussion: Implementing Fan-n-Pick in the Classroom

Discussion: Ideas for Fan-n-Pick

Discussion: Implementing Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up in the Classroom

Discussion Reflection: Face-to-Face Strategies Final Reflection

Module 3 Tech-based Collaboration Strategies

To become aware of three technology-based tools to facilitate collaborative learning

Discussion: Using Today's Meet as a backchannel

Assignment: Padlet Reflection

Assignment: AWW Reflection

Assignment: Managing 1:1 Collaboration Poster Activity

Discussion Reflection: Tech Strategies Final Reflection

Module 4 Strategy Implementation To demonstrate implementation and practice of collaborative learning strategies

Face-to-Face Strategy

1. Lesson Plan

2. Initial Reflection

3. Documentation

4. Final Reflection

Tech-Based Strategy

1. Lesson Plan

2. Initial Reflection

3. Documentation

4. Final Reflection


Course Evaluation

Please complete and submit the linked Google form as your final course evaluation.  


3 hours online time

3 hours implementation time

Please let your course facilitator know if either part one or part two is requiring significant time beyond the allotted six hours.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due