Course Syllabus

Understanding the Cognitive Processes- Linking the Gs

Presented by Lynn Jameson, Executive Director of Special Services 







JJE Kara Hankins
CE Wanda Kelley
AVC Dianela Martin
IMMS Charles Blackwell
CHS Ambi Gordon




Environment and Materials

Two tools are required:

Linking Gs resource.doc

A Closer Look at the G’s.doc

Participant Resources

  • Laptop or iPad with Internet Access
  • Login to Canvas
  • Access to the learning tools provided in the introduction and in Module 10
  • At least one Full Individual Evaluation (FIE) obtained from your Educational Diagnostician. For your convenience the FIE has been uploaded into Module 10 of this course.


Based on teacher and administrator input, teachers struggle to understanding the cognitive processes, educational implications, and specific strategies of how to design instruction for students with Specific Learning Disabilities. Additionally, the feedback received indicates that many general education and special education teachers do not understand how to interpret assessment results which impacts their ability to meet the needs of their students. 

This course is designed to help you understand the cognitive processes by providing you ideas on how you can incorporate strategies in your classroom based on the needs of the students you serve. The tools provided allow you to plot your students cognitive profile and determine how to develop your lesson plans based on the students' cognitive strengths and weaknesses. The goal of this course is to expand and improve your knowledge of how to effectively serve your students by being able to interpret the Full Individual Evaluation. As you begin to understand each "G", you will be better able to transform lessons by designing instruction for each student based on their cognitive profile.

The last module will allow you to collaborate with each other on ideas and strategies, challenges, and successes of your work with students with Specific Learning Disabilities


This course is a competency-based course, which requires implementation and reflection of learned strategies. The format will be delivered in two parts: online modules and reflection of implementation. The first part of the training will be online. Participants will be given from May 27 to June 7 to complete the online modules. The electronic resources will be made available through Canvas, the district’s learning management system (LMS). The content will guide the participant through the learning process of Understanding the Cognitive Processes and Linking the "Gs" to instruction. The information in the modules will be available for reference after the initial phase of the training.


Learning Expectations 

​This online course will allow teachers to plot the cognitive profiles of students with Specific Learning Disabilities and design instruction to meet the needs of the students based on the strengths and weaknesses of their cognitive profiles. As a result, teachers will be encouraged to incorporate strategies into their lesson plans by creating Specially Designed Instruction (SDI). Upon completion of the course, teachers will have an understanding of how the cognitive processes impact learning and  how to link the areas of cognition to their lessons and classroom activities which will enhance student engagement and student achievement.

Goals and Objective

The Learner will be able to interpret a Full Individual Evaluation of a student with a Specific Learning Disability.

    1. The learner will be able to define each area of cognition.
    2. The learner will be able to identify cognitive strengths and weaknesses.
    3. The learner will be able to demonstrate strategies that can be used in the classroom to meet the needs of their students' cognitive strengths and weaknesses.
    4. The learner will be able to use the tools provided to document their students' cognitive profile including each G.
    5. The learner will be able to link each cognitive area to specific areas of academic instruction.
    6. The learner will be able to explain educational implications of each cognitive area.


For credit you must:

1. Participate in each module

2. Obtain one Full Individual Evaluation from your campus Educational Diagnostician- the FIE Is located in Module 10 of this course.

3. Use the tools provided to plot your students' cognitive profile

4. Participate in Reflection/Discussion

5. Provide to your campus Educational Diagnostician the completed tool for at least three students

6. Complete the Evaluation of this course


Modules Task Description How Assessed Points
Module 1 Introduction to Linking the G's, Understanding the Cognitive Processes



10 pts
Module 2 Gc- Comprehension Knowledge Understanding Gc participation 10 pts
Module 3 Gf- Fluid Reasoning 

 Understanding Gf

participation 10 pts
Module 4 Glr- Long Term Retrieval Understanding Glr participation 10 pts
Module 5 Gsm- Short Term Memory Understanding Gsm participation 10 pts
Module 6 Gv- Visual Spatial Thinking

 Understanding Gv

participation 10 pts
Module 7 Ga- Auditory Processing

 Understanding Ga

participation 10 pts
Module 8 Gs- Processing Speed Understanding Gs participation 10 pts
Module 9 Other difficulties in learning Understanding other learning difficulties participation 10 pts

Module 10 Conclusion

The Full Individual Evaluation (FIE) is available in this module for you to complete the "tool" which needs to be turned in to your campus diagnostician for course credit.

Putting it all together Complete the "Tool" and participate in the course discussion 10 pts


Course Evaluation

A quick instructor feedback form will be completed at the conclusion of the lesson. If the teachers respond with mostly positive feedback, then the course author and instructor will know the instructional design was effective.  


This course is designed to be self-paced allowing you up to complete is during the window of the Special Populations Academy from May 27-June 7.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due