Course Syllabus

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PBL Tools 2.0


 Course Author: Denise Fisher


 Twitter: @SciCastleberry

Materials and Resources

List any resources that are required beyond the scope of Canvas.

  • Laptop or iPad with Internet Access
  • Login to Canvas
  • Access to Wakelet and Padlet
  • Access to Jamboard and Adobe Spark
  • Access to Trello


Project-Based Learning (PBL) is all about learning by doing,

and that is exactly what you will experience in this PBL Training.

PBL 2.0: Digital Tools for the PBL Classroom 

Attention Project-Based Learning educators:

Whether your classroom is 1:1 or you have limited devices, leveraging technology tools during Project-Based Learning helps inform and enhance student learning, project management, and product creation. Come explore tools and strategies to make PBL a success! 


  • We welcome you to join our Castleberry Project-Based Learning (PBL) Tools Training where you will be immersed in a PBL experience while learning the structure and components of PBL.
  • During the six hour course, you will design your own high-quality Project-Based Learning experience to be implemented in a PreK-12 classroom (or professional learning setting).  
  • When fully constructed and implemented, your PBL learning experience will empower students and/or teachers to master standards while applying real-world skills.
  • An online community and on-site coaching session will be offered to provide the support you need to implement your plan.
  • Participants must complete all assignments to receive credit; partial credit will not be awarded.

Goals and Objectives

G.1. Learner will be able to

  • Examine critical components required for a new teacher to be successful in using online tools to help students engage in a PBL.

O.1.1 Learner will

  • Access the available online tools to use to implement an effective PBL and examine how the PBL process drives the learning.

O.1.2 Learner will

  • Examine the online PBL Tools and how student data is gathered and analyzed.

O.1.3 Learner will

  • Practice building student activities in different online tools for PBL Management.

O.1.4 Learner will

  • Have additional time to review many tools for use in PBLs and build their own PBL using the tools learned during the training.

G.2. Learner will be able to

  • Discuss expectations and best practices for remote learning utilizing a PBL with their online classes.

O.2.1 Learner will

  • Review the PBL process including the assignment of roles.

O.2.2 Learner will

  • Be familiar with the grading systems of a PBL how they are determined.

O.2.3 Learner will

  • Discuss expectations and best practices for implementation of a completely asynchronous PBL and a synchronous PBL.

O.2.4 Learner will

  • Explore different sources for PBLs and alignment to the grade level standards (TEKS).

O.2.5 Learner will

  • Reflect on student rules/expectations/roles in a PBL implemented in a remote setting.


Mastery in this course will be determined by class attendance through a Google Meet and completion of all modules in the course.

Course Modules


Module 1 - Let's Begin and Wakelet

Module 2 - Enhance Student Learning

Module 3 - Product Management

Module 4 - Product Creation

Module 5 - Expanding on your PBL Idea


Course Evaluation

A quick instructor feedback form will be completed at the conclusion of the lesson. If the teachers respond with mostly positive feedback, then the course author and instructor will know the instructional design was effective.  


This is a one day or 6 hour training.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due